Award-Winning Advocacy

Adoption Excellence Award

Norman Borlaug Humanitarian Award

Angel in Adoption Award
We fight so they live.
For children in foster care to live happy lives, we need the help of others.”

Every child deserves a safe and loving home.
The Center for the Rights of Abused Children was founded in 2017 to ensure the safety and protection of abused children. We work tirelessly to give every child the chance to grow up in a safe and loving home. By providing free legal representation to abused children and advocating for their safety through common-sense reforms, we fill a critical gap in their protection. Our work has helped hundreds of thousands of abused children find protection and has been instrumental in securing safe and loving homes for them. No child should live in fear. Together, we can do more, be more, and change more for abused children, opening doors to the bright futures every child deserves.