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Closing The Gap Cropped

Closing the Gap for Arizona Foster Students

Tuesday Oct 18th, 2022

Four simple - but critical - changes we need to improve educational outcomes for students in foster care.

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Family Search and Stability Act Cropped

Fact Sheet: Family Search and Stability Act

Tuesday Jan 18th, 2022

This Act aims to place abused children with relatives faster. If relatives are not available, it seeks to minimize the number of times they will be moved.

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Finding the missing trafficked Cropped

Fact Sheet: America's Missing Children in Foster Care

Wednesday Jan 12th, 2022

These reforms protect missing children in foster care with mandatory reporting, ID tools, child predator education, and stronger criminal penalties.

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Fostering Independence Accounts Cropped

Fostering Independence Accounts

Tuesday Jun 1st, 2021

Over 20,000 American children age out of foster care each year. Cash accounts can help them succeed.

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disappearing and dying

Disappearing & Dying

Tuesday Jan 19th, 2021

Why 20,000 kids disappear from foster care every year & how to end the crisis.

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33 Reforms to Help Kids in Foster Care CROPPED

33 Reforms to Help Kids in Foster Care

Thursday Dec 3rd, 2020

Recommendations to retain foster families, improve oversight, reduce time in care and more.

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Ohio Supreme Court 2022 Cropped

Ohio Supreme Court, 2022

Thursday Jun 11th, 2020

Strengthen children’s constitutional right to legal counsel throughout their abuse, neglect, and dependency proceedings.

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Fulton v. City of Philadelphia Cropped

Fulton v. City of Philadelphia 2020: Kids Have a Right to a Family

Wednesday Jun 3rd, 2020

Petitioners seek the balance between the right to free religious exercise and the interest in freedom from discrimination.

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Arizona Foster Care Safety Bill Cropped

Arizona Foster Care Safety Bill

Tuesday Oct 9th, 2018

Arizona foster care safety bill protects drug-exposed children and the best interests of children.

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