Children Can't Stop Abuse. We Can.
Create Bright FuturesNo child should live in fear.
For every $19.62 donated, one child is helped.
The Center for the Rights of Abused Children is a Qualifying Foster Care Charitable Organization.
Rather than paying taxes, pay it forward.
Receive a dollar-for-dollar credit on your Arizona taxes. Get up to $1,173 for married couples and $587 for single filers. The tax credit is claimed on Form 352. The Center for the Rights of Abused Children’s QFCO code is 10053.
The Arizona Foster Care Tax Credit can be claimed in addition to the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit and the Arizona Public Schools Tax Credit.
Donate your car
Donate your old car and give a child a new beginning. CARS will pick up your vehicle and send a portion of the proceeds to the Center for the Rights of Abused Children.
Call 855-500-RIDE (855-500-7433) or
Visit careasy.org

Planned Giving
Leave a legacy for future generations. Take advantage of numerous tax and financial benefits.

Awarded in Excellence
GuideStar has awarded the Center for the Rights of Abused Children with its Platinum Seal of Transparency every year since inception.

Friends like you make it possible to do more, be more, change more, in the fight to end violence against children.”
Founder & CEO