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2023 Annual Report

Saturday Jun 29th, 2024

Learn more about life-saving work that has helped more than 500,000 abused children across America.

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Missing and Trafficked Toolkit

Friday May 24th, 2024

We are driven to ensure the safety of the tens of thousands of children who go missing from foster care every year. The Center successfully passed state legislation requiring child welfare agencies to actively and continually search for children missing from their care until they are found.

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States with Right to Counsel for Children

Tuesday May 21st, 2024

We believe every child deserves a safe and loving home. When asked by lawmakers across the country for the single reform that will help protect the most abused children in foster care, our answer is always the same — attorney representation for children. The graphic below shows which states guarantee the appointment of client directed attorneys for all children.

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The Permanency Project Helps More Children Find a Safe and Loving Home

Friday May 3rd, 2024

Nationally, over 90% of children in foster care leave the child welfare system via reunification with biological parents, guardianship, kinship placements, or adoption. The remaining children – approximately 9% of teens and young adults – “age out” of the child welfare system without a permanent family.

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Center to US Supreme Court: Protect Every Child From School Abuse

Wednesday Mar 20th, 2024

The Center for the Rights of Abused Children’s Practice Manual encourages attorneys to assert the constitutional rights of children in foster care, including safety, family integrity, emotional security, timely permanency, and educational rights.

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Enforcement of Foster Youth Bill of Rights

Thursday Feb 29th, 2024

February 29, 2024 - The Center for the Rights of Abused Children releases a toolkit aimed at enforcing the rights of youth in foster care.

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Preservation of Youth Benefits Toolkit

Wednesday Feb 7th, 2024

The Center for the Rights of Abused Children publishes toolkit to help pass legislation in states nationwide.

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United States Supreme Court, 2023: Intervention to Protect Every Child from School Abuse

Tuesday Nov 21st, 2023

The Center for the Rights of Abused Children champions every child’s right to be free from abuse by public-school officials.

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2025 Strategic Plan: One Million Brighter Futures

Thursday Jan 5th, 2023

The number of children impacted by The Center's work will grow from 500,000 to over 1 million with expansion of the pro bono Children's Law Clinic and common-sense reforms.

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Fact Sheet: Recognizing Abused Children's Right to Counsel

Thursday Jan 5th, 2023

An explanation of the general differences between guardians ad litem and traditional lawyers for children.

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Tuesday Nov 1st, 2022

The Center for the Rights of Abused Children continues the fight to protect children in foster care's social security benefits.

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Fact Sheet: Closing the Gap for Arizona Foster Students

Wednesday Oct 19th, 2022

Learn the facts about closing the educational gap for Arizona's students in foster care.

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