(PHOENIX, Arizona) – Darcy Olsen will be honored in an award ceremony as a member of the Arizona Capitol Times class of 2020 Women Achievers of Arizona for her work leading Gen Justice during the pandemic.
The Arizona Capitol Times writes, “The honorees hunker down each day to adapt, innovate and see to it that, despite the tumult, their work continues. And their work is important. They run hospitals and represent health care workers. They keep schools functioning. They ensure justice doesn’t grind to a halt during this crisis…Their engagement makes a difference in the lives of Arizonans, especially now.”
Olsen says the honor belongs to the people whose charitable gifts kept the work going. “When the pandemic struck and the markets crashed, we took a deep breath… and started dialing. I remember one gentleman
who asked, ‘What do you need to continue helping the kids through this?’ His concern brought tears to my eyes. In that moment, I knew the community would stand in the gap for these kids as long as it would take.”
Gen Justice has been working with local and national leaders to drive reforms. These measures, including an Executive Order this summer, have expedited the search for relatives and helped child abuse victims get better legal representation. Kids with lawyers exit the foster care system for family 3x faster than other children.
“We’re thankful to the individuals, companies and foundations who value the lives of these children and whose generous actions make it possible for Gen Justice to be in their corner,” said Olsen.
ABOUT GENERATION JUSTICE: Gen Justice is a 501c(3) organization under federal law and a Qualifying Foster Care Charitable Organization under Arizona law. Arizona taxpayers may receive an income tax credit for donations to Gen Justice up to $500 (single) or $1,000 (married).