Thursday Jan 5th, 2023

2025 Strategic Plan: One Million Brighter Futures

2025 Strategic Plan One Million Brighter Futures

2025 Vision

With a proven record of success in courtrooms and capitols, the Center for the Rights of Abused Children is a national leader whose pro bono advocacy and initiatives are putting an end to violence against children across America.

Over the next three years:

  • The number of children impacted by the Center for Children’s work will grow from 500,000 to over 1 million.
  • The Children’s Law Clinic will expand to meet the needs of children and teens in care with the goal of never turning away a child in our home state of Arizona.
  • We will expand our common-sense reforms and court rulings nationwide to establish a robust state and federal jurisprudence that guarantees children safety, family, and justice.
  • To scale our work, the Center for Children will raise annual operating revenue from its current $2.3 million to $5.1 million by December 31, 2025.

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