Private: Claire
Claire is studying hard to prep for college, so she can become an architect just like her big sister. That dream is possible because a courageous family member rescued Claire from a parent who was selling Claire for drug money.
More than 40% of child trafficking is facilitated by family members.
Claire was nine years old when her drug-addicted mother started trafficking her to support an opioid habit. Claire’s adult sister, June, found out what was happening and found a way to get Claire to the safety of her home. June then started legal proceedings to gain custody. That’s when she reached out to the Center for the Rights of Abused Children.
Because of the Center for the Rights of Abused Children’s work, Child Protection Services is now required to educate foster kids about child predators.
Our pro bono Children’s Law Clinic attorneys won the right for Claire to be adopted by her sister. Claire is excelling in school—and also getting the help she needs to overcome her abusive past.
*Details modified to protect the child’s identity.

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