Maya Article
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Maya & Logan

It took eight long and difficult years, but Maya and her little brother Kevin are together again—with their forever family. The two love camping trips and playing basketball in the driveway.

22,000 children age out of the system every year. But Maya’s story is proof that there’s hope.

Born to abusive alcoholics, young Maya lived in constant fear. Her parents’ fights were so violent she’d lock herself in her bedroom closet, sobbing for hours until their screaming stopped. Often, she’d fall asleep in her hiding place, coming out only when she knew her parents had passed out drunk.

Though federal law requires foster care to be temporary, not a single state complies. The Center for the Rights of Abused Children is fighting to end unnecessary delays that keep kids in limbo for years on end.

When Maya was seven, social services removed her from her birth parents. She spent the next eight years in state care, separated from her siblings, frequently moving between foster homes.

“With your help, I believe we can change the lives of children who are hurt and not loved by a family. They deserve better.” – Maya

Born to parents suffering from alcohol use disorder, young Maya lived in constant fear, frequently witnessing violence and abuse. In fact, her parents’ fights were so violent that she would lock herself in her bedroom closet, sobbing for hours until their screaming stopped. Often, she’d fall asleep in her hiding place, her only “safe” place. She’d come out only when she knew her parents had passed out.

When Maya was seven, she was removed from her home. She spent the next eight years in state care, separated from her brother, Logan. Finally, at the end of those long eight years, at 15 years old, Maya was adopted – along with her brother, Logan.

The two now do the things that children in loving families do – together. They especially love camping trips and playing basketball in the driveway. And today, Maya also volunteers at the Center for the Rights of Abused Children to help give abused children a better tomorrow.

Every year, 22,000 children age out of the system before they are adopted, but Maya’s story is proof that there’s hope.

Though federal law requires foster care to be temporary, not a single state complies. The Center for the Rights of Abused Children is fighting relentlessly to end unnecessary delays that keep kids in limbo for years on end.

“With your help, I believe we can change the lives of children who are hurt and not loved by a family. They deserve better.” – Maya.

*Details modified to protect the child’s identity.

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