Drew and his three brothers were born to violence in a local meth house. When Drew was six, the four brothers were found lying on filthy mattresses, with no food or even a bathroom to use.
They were brought into care for safety, but tragically separated from each other. After two years, child protective services sent Drew and his brothers back to their mother, who was still using meth. The violence began again. That’s when Drew’s previous foster family called the Center for the Rights of Abused Children. Drew had no attorney advocating for his rights. We fought for his safety…and for the safety of his brothers.
Drug use is a leading risk factor for a child becoming a victim of abuse.
Thanks to our pro bono work and a loving foster family, the boys today are all united, safe and loved.
Though federal law requires foster care to be temporary, not a single state complies. And half of siblings are taken from each other, despite laws protecting their right to be together. We are fighting to give every abused child an attorney to protect and enforce their rights under the law.
*Details modified to protect the child’s identity.

Your support keeps siblings together. Help the 775,000 abused kids like Drew and his brothers find the caring homes they deserve.