Leo & Peter
Brothers Leo and Peter love playing soccer with their friends on weekends. They are thriving in grade school. Their health and happiness, though, wasn’t always assured.
Every day, five children die of abuse in America.
Leo and Peter were born to alcoholic parents who got blackout drunk every night and brutally abused the boys. One especially violent night, neighbors heard the noise and called 911. When police arrived, Leo was unconscious. He’d been beaten so badly he had to be resuscitated on the way to the hospital. Both boys were immediately taken from their parents and placed with a family that nursed them back to health.
“Sadly, even when children are removed from life-threatening situations, they’re often put in foster homes where abuse continues.” –Darcy Olsen, Center for the Rights of Abused Children Founder
Our pro bono Children’s Law Clinic fights to get children placed in stable, caring homes. Because of your support, the Center for the Rights of Abused Children was able to make sure Leo and Peter remained safe and loved until we facilitated their adoption.
*Details modified to protect the child’s identity.

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