Wednesday Jul 29th, 2020

Government Mismanagement Fails Another Child

government mismanagement fails another child

This time, a Louisiana 2-year-old with special needs, known as “Z,” was moved from the family that raised him since birth and put on a plane to live with family he has met only a handful of times. Read about the state of Louisiana’s “mismanagement and failure” here.

If you can get past the part where the toddler screamed through airport security when removed from his foster parents, keep reading to where, now, three weeks later, the toddler isn’t speaking.

This is a tragedy. It is a tragedy for the foster family, for the relatives who are now caring for the child, but most of all – and most importantly – it is a tragedy for the little boy.

We implore state agencies to find relatives as soon as infants enter foster care. There can be no excuse for waiting until the 11th hour. It’s well-known that more than half of children taken into care will need to be adopted. Finding those potential adoptive relatives immediately must be a priority.

Our Relative Search Act provides a blueprint, which Arizona and Georgia have adopted.

Please share this reform with your state policymakers and share our post on Facebook.

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